July 2023
New article published for the University of Parma on the case of the city of Parma as an urban intelligent digital system
June 2022
This edited book covers state of the art research innovations and future directions in the field of Wireless mesh networks (WMNs).
September 2020
New article published on MDPI “Feature Papers for Smart Cities”, about things2i activities in collaboration with Comune di Parma and BT Enìa.
September 2020
New article published on “Agenda Digitale”, about things2i activities in collaboration with Comune di Parma.
July 2020
The collaboration with RAI has led to the submission of the following patent: “Sistema per la distribuzione di segnali audio su una rete senza fili e relativo metodo”
August 2018
New article published on “Frontiers in ICT”, about things2i activities.
July 2018
New article published on “Management Control”, about things2i activities.
February 2018
things2i takes part to the Start Cup Emilia Romagna, a business plan competition to support innovative startups.
January 2018
Open Innovation Gruppo Maccaferri Connect with SAMP group.
December 2017
New article published on the “Gazzetta di Parma”, about things2i activities.