connecting things in innovative ways
things2i is a spin-off company of the University of Parma dedicated to Internet of Things (IoT) and smart systems.
With roots in academia and industry, combining extensive knowledge in Information Engineering and Economic Sciences, things2i leverages various technologies to provide innovation solutions in various areas, including:
Smart Home, Smart Agriculture, Smart Industry, Smart City, Smart Health.
Homes are getting more and more intelligent, with appliances, lighting systems, surveillance systems, gardening systems becoming more and more connected. things2i aims at providing innovative IoT-based solutions to maximize the home management efficiency.
Agriculture is undergoing a revolution, sparked by the use of an infrastructure which allows to leverage advanced technology – including big data, the cloud and the internet of things (IoT) – for tracking, monitoring, automating and analyzing operations. things2i is developing innovative IoT and big data solutions for data collection and data analysis for smart agriculture applications.
Smart Industry is related to radical digitalization of factories, production plants and logistics. By providing innovative solutions to connect machines, people and products, things2i is developing innovative IoT-based industry management platforms.
The smart city paradigm can be defined as the integration of IoT and Information Communication Technologies (ICT) into the city management, with the aim of addressing the exponential growth of urbanization and population, thus significantly increasing people’s life quality. things2i is actively working to develop IoT-based solutions to maximize the sustainability of a smart city.
Smart health leverages eHealth and mHealth services, electronic record management, smart home services and intelligent and connected medical IoT devices. things2i is developing IoT werable nodes able to collect biophysiological data and process them effectively, providing accurate status monitoring.